Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Test Strips...

are on the way! I got them on craigslist too for $38 shipped. A brand new box plus some leftovers. I priced those bad boys at Rite Aide and CVS for a whopping $49.99. I had heart palpitations, shortness of breath, a mild stroke and a heart attack each time I leaned in to confirm the price. Good Lawd...FORTY-NINE DOLLAS (yes dollas, not dollars) for a stick that I am going to piss on. LOL!!! I ran lights and stop signs and may have hit a few pedestrians trying to get home and then jumped on email quickly to pay for the strips I had on reserve. The seller is putting them in the mail tomorrow morning. I can't wait! This month I'll be charting and testing CM (cervical mucus), taking temps and loving every minute of it. Who needs IUIs anyway.


Lost in Space said...

Sounds like a great plan! Nice deal on the strips too.

Rebel With.A.Cause said...

OK, so I just read your whole blog... not much yet, so it is an easy read. I want to give you a big fat bear hug via internet!!! I have so totally been where you are right now, and I PROMISE you it will get better. Even on my best days I NEVER thought I would get the "Ticket", but I just kept going. 14 1/2 years of the same things that you are feeling. It sucks. I really hate IF. I hate what it does to very special people. Hang in there sweetie, you can do this.

Still Standing Strong in A Bloom of Hope. said...

Wow! deal sounds awesome!!!!

hugs to you.....