Monday, June 23, 2008

Ermmm...Whose Paying for this?

I got my bill in the mail from the fertility clinic. $186 for 3 rounds of IUI. I sat down and went over the entire list and it looks like we've spent about $650 for the medications, co-pays and IUI procedures. Not that bad right? Well it is when I don't have anything to show for it except experience. Why should I have to pay for it when it did not work.

Okay, I know that's not rational but I did think it for a split second. When I first opened the bill, I tossed it on the table in disgust and said 'I ain't paying for shiiiiit!'. Then reality struck as I thought of my credit report and how quickly they report you to collections and I said....'well maybe my initial reaction was unfavorable, perhaps I'd better pay'. LOL!!!

Now, to be fair the fertility clinic I visit does have this program called Shared Risk for IVF. You have to qualify but they will refund your money if you do not get pregnant via IVF after a certain point. I thought that was a good fair deal but I am praying I never have to use it.


Still Standing Strong in A Bloom of Hope. said...

It's amazing isn't it? It's a multi-million dollar industry that sucks you dry. And yet there isn't some sort of support group in some States/countries?

I just count myself lucky that I have all you girls.i wonder how it was like for women to suffer with infertility in the past with no access to internet?!

Lost in Space said...

Yup, we are $30k into this with nothing to show. Your cost on the IUIs is awesome!! I was disqualified from shared risk for FSH over 10. It completely sucks to pay in full for each cycle.

Hang in there. I try to keep my eye on the prize.

Rebel With.A.Cause said...

WOW, that isn't to bad, but I do see where you are coming from, hard to have to spend money and not have anything physical to show for it!! You hang in there though, and I will be here cheering you and your CBE on!!! Good luck this month sweetie!!!


P.S. I hope that is why that little stinker got her teeth, now if I could just convince my body to do something right for a change we will be on our way!!!

The Rebound Girl said...

Thanks Ladies!

I made sure we got the premium insurance this year since I knew we wanted to do fertility treatments, otherwise the price would not be so good. I am getting it on the other end with my monthly payments to United Health Care.

Rebel With.A.Cause said...

Thanks sweetie, I really try to be!! :o)