Wednesday, June 25, 2008

All the BFNs

I visited my baby site after a little hiatus to check on the stats there. It seems that everyone is getting BFNs now after the initial BFP after BFP. I kept thinking with the statistics there would not be many more positives. seems I was correct. I hate that I was correct. I read through the posts of each Hopeful who wants to have a child. The heartbreak and dispair at AF (Aunt Flo) rearing her ugly head. I remember when I joined I had such high hopes, but it was once I started reading peoples signatures that I realized I might just be in this for the long haul. I pray not.

1 comment:

Still Standing Strong in A Bloom of Hope. said...

I pray not for you as well.

BFNs really do suck! it sucked my emotions dry.

I hope for hope, for all of us on this journey!