Monday, June 16, 2008

Beta Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the official beta day for me. I had planned not to go but my husband asked about it today and I did not have the heart to tell him that I tested and it was negative. Yesterday was so hard for me but I got through it...barely. I wanted to wish him a Happy Father's Day but could not do it, so...

My first Beta I let them give him the results. When he called I could feel the heartbreak in his voice. The second one I got, and I hated that call....Unfortunately your beta was negative, stop taking the prometrium and wait for cycle day 1 to call your nurse. Ugghhh. I took it like a bullet. I dread the call tomorrow and will just let it go to voicemail and retrieve it later on. No one needs to have their feelings hurt with bad news.

I visited my baby forum to find 2 more BFPs. That is 12 for June. Now why the hell couldn't I be one of those 12. FUCK!!!!!


JuliaS said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog.

Wishing you strength and peace for tomorrow. BFNs just suck all the way around, especially when there are BFPs all around you - and feels so horrendously unfair! So very frustrating and difficult to take. I'm so sorry. Wishing you much better to come and very soon.

Still Standing Strong in A Bloom of Hope. said...

I am beginning to like you..for starters, you punctuated your post with a FUCK towards the end!!!AAAH, yes, we have something in common already. I'm gonna tag you immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

I'm sorry, forum had so many BFPs this month as month as well..but i am very happy for them..cuz they have been amazing to me..


Lost in Space said...

Sending you lots of strength today. BFN's are hard enough, but I think even worse on medical intervention cycles. More hope = more disappointment when it doesn't work. Huge (hugs).

I feel you on those BFPs for friends. It is bittersweet - happy for them, but wondering why not me?

I hope my bruised belly didn't scare you off. I swear I didn't have bruising for my IUI/inject cycle or my first IVF. I'm thinking it is the prednisone.

The Rebound Girl said...

How does one tag? I am not sure how that works. LOL!!!