Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Myomectomy

Finding that fibroid was a very devastating thing for me. I was crushed. My GYN sent me to have a HSG done to see if my tubes were open. To my continued devastation, both tubes were blocked. I was torn up inside as I had to explain it all to my husband. My GYN referred me to an infertility specialist who told me the fibroid had to be removed if I wanted any chance of conception.
We scheduled the surgery March 2007. That surgery was one of the scariest things I've ever done. I prayed and prayed and my sister prayed too. My husband was there offering whatever support he could. he did a great job, but men are just not nurturers in most cases. He did the best he could, but some days I just felt like the most useless woman alive. We made it through the surgery and after 3 months of healing, I was ready to try to conceive as soon as possible. We got the all clear HSG. Great news! Thank God. We proceeded to conceive. Month after month of negative test results. Hoping and praying for a positive but nothing. We ran tests and were given the diagnosis of unexplained infertility. Since the fibroid was gone, my bloodwork is fine, my husband's sperm is excellent, there is no reason why we have not concieved. Argggh!!!
Finally the doctor suggested IUI and fertility drugs.

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