Monday, January 26, 2015

Ganirelix Injections

I had my US/BW yesterday and my estrogen is 417 now. Last check it was in the 100s. I was told to start ganirelix. I took a dose yesterday along with my regular dose of Gonal and then a triple does of menopur. Menopur is the one that burns when I inject it so I was not looking forward that, but I had to add more saline to it so that helped. I do less saline which is definitely why the burn is more than most would experience. I feel like a pro now mixing meds and injecting LOL! My husband, who is afraid of needles, always acts like he is going to help and appears just after I've given myself the last needle. I just thank GOD that none are intramuscular. OUCH! So this morning I was late taking the ganirelix. I was supposed to take it between 6-9am. As I was making my appointment for tomorrow I realized, I had not. its noon. Hopefully I have not screwed myself by being late. So far I am okay. I am sleepy, but its because its so wet and snowy and I stayed up late last night. I was having some mood swings from emotional near crying, to anger all within an 1 hour span. But I had to talk myself down. I have small kids and they don't understand that mess. So I put on my happy face and kept it moving. All in all its okay. I thank God that I am so busy with family that I don't have time to focus on every little detail. Egg retrieval was tentatively slated for the 31st. Not sure how we are keeping up with that. But oh I forgot, the US tech said I had 5-6 eggs that were mentionable. I don't even know where I should be right now, but I know by increasing the menopur, they are trying to increase my number of mature eggs. 6 ripe, maybe 3 will be retrieved and one make it to day 5. That's how it normally works, half of whats retrieved is fertilized, half of what fertilizes makes it to day 5. Honestly, I don't want a ton of eggs. Two good ones is my goal. Chat soon.

1 comment:

creative peptides said...

Ganirelix acetate (or diacetate) is an injectable competitive gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist (GnRH antagonist). It works by blocking the action of GnRH upon the pituitary, Ganirelix