Saturday, September 20, 2008

Cold Uterus

Well, I had my first appointment with a licensed acupunturist and herbalist. I decided I would take the holistic approach after all the other things I've done. I figured if I can fill my body with all types of clomid, bravelle and ovidrel, then surely I can try some traditional chinese medicine (TCM). So off I went this morning to give it a try.

Initially we spoke and she asked me some questions and looked at my tongue and did this 3 finger pulse check and told me I am very healthy! The on to my hands and feet. My hands are warm but my feet are cold. Like always. I have cold feet and its been that way for as long as I can remember. If my feet get cold NOTHING stays warm. With that she diagnosed me with cold uterus. Okay, if I had not researched a tad before the visit, I'd have said 'Cold Uterus, What the hell is that'. But I had done a little research and read up on that before. So anyway, she said that we'd do the acupunture and then she'd make me some herbs.

I undressed from the waist down and lay on the bed. It was nice and warm in the room and it was dimly lit. She cleaned the areas where she was to insert the needles. I know she put one in the very top of my head, one in the middle of my forehead, one on my right earlobe, some on each arm, a few on my abdomen and some on the leg and feet. she put some type of electromagnet spectrum thing that seemed to warm my feet. She told me to close my eyes and sleep for 30 minutes. So I lay there with needles sticking out of me and relaxed. She checked on me about 15 minutes in and then came in at the end to remove the needles. After that she gave me the bottle of herbs she'd made. I have to take 4 little spoonfuls in 1/2 cup hot water twice daily, 30 minutes after meals. I do the acupuncture 2 times per week, but I think I'll only go once because insurance does not cover it.

Anyway, this herb concoction is disgusting!!! It tastes just awful and looks like dirty, muddy water, but I suck it up and suck it down, because for the love of my bean to be, I'd do most anything!


I Believe in Miracles said...

Thanks for the recap of your first experience. I'm wondering if I should try acupuncture too...

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to wish you luck with whatever method you decide to pursue.

Best wishes

Just Me. said...

I did the whole TCM too! Whilst I love acupuncture, I HATE the herbs! Looks like muddy water and tastes like shit. And like you, I'd do anything for a baby. So, I gulped it down and quickly had a fruit after that. Babes and I call it Chinese Poison Juice cuz it tastes so awful. We paid 3months of Chinese Poison Juice upfront and that cost us $1500!

Again, we'd pay and do anything for a baby.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys! Just wondering what happened with the girls who were diagnised with the "cold uterus"? Has the acupuncture and herbs worked?

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your journey. I've been trying for 4 years with many IVFs and today saw an accupuncture person who told me the same cold uterus & not much chance of my next IVF (in 3 days) working. So I'm livered at her negativity & sales pitch of trying to get me to see her for 3months prior (next time)!! Which I have done herbs & accupuncture for many other IVFs months before. Your web site anyway has made me laugh - thank you!! I'm glad someone else is having the same drama & frustrations. On that note thou I sincerely hope you get your little bean in the end ! xxx