Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Comeback Kid

We are moving forward with transfer on Day 5 even though my eggs were not fertilized on retrieval day. I spoke to my nurse yesterday and she told me that they did RICSI on my eggs. Rescue ICSI where they inject the sperm after attempting fertlization. Why did I take away from my phone call with the Doctor that they just put more sperm in the dish and they were able to penetrate the egg. But anywho. On Monday when my nurse called she said 5 of the 10 eggs fertilized. Today she called to say that we had a come back kid who looked as though it had not fertilized, but now had 2 or 4 cells. So we have 6 in total with two leading with 8 cells. Transfer day is Thursday at 9:30am. This is going to be exciting. So 6 embryos going, after 20 considered, 18 retrieved, 10 mature, non fertilized on day 1, rescue ICSI, 5 fertilized and then an additional one fertilized. Wonder what God has in store now, because this is definitely not something for me to try and wing and drive on my own. This is a matter of LIFE AND DEATH. Truly something ONLY GOD should determine. I am encouraged.

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